Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wrong Page

Yes, wrong page, as the title says. If you are looking for something pleasant, something which can brighten up your morose day, say, an article of warm soothing rich-in-flavor chicken soup for souls, or something enticing enough to overstimulate your adrenaline secretion, like one of those extremely covet-inspiring travelling journals or diaries, or even some heartbreaking stories which never fail to conjure a debacle of those dams of your tear glands, you have come to the wrong page.

The very wrong one, indeed.

As a callow novice who has just started blogging, even though it seems like a vogue of the previous decade-- well, I ain't no techno-savvy--and blog spots seem to have been long forgotten by most of the internet users, I encounter a problem which I strongly believe all bloggers faced when they first started blogging (I wonder if they still blog...) -- I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE.

So I'll just end this post here.


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